Leggy - Interview

1) What got you into rapping?
I got into rapping as a little kid, i watched alot of my family members do this before i even started, and now i feel like its my turn since i learned from all of them.

2) Who are some of the people who inspired you and made you what you are today?

Of course Jay-Z was my main inspiration, but my favorite rappers include Lupe Fiasco, Young Chris, and The

3) What do you bring to hip-hop?

I think i bring refreshment to the rap game, something that true hip-hop fans haven't heard in a while. At the same time I also bring the definition of mainstream, so its pretty much a two-headed coin with me.

4) How do you feel about the current state of hip-hop?

I feel like hip-hop is in dying need of originality, since corporate America is so worried bout keeping things the same so they can make profit of off it. But, I also think that hip-hop is going to handle itself, because whether corporate America likes it or not hip-hop is going back to the origins, because when things get stale in hip-hop it refreshes itself by going the complete opposite direction of what its been doing.

5)What made you write the song "High School Sweetheart"?

I wrote the song "High School Sweetheart" off of true life experiences. Like me and my literally "High School Sweetheart" broke up, and I just wrote the song as I was tryna get over the breakup. So its as authentic as you can get lol.

6) If you could make a track with an rapper dead or alive who would it be?

If I could make a track with a rapper, I would have to select Lupe Fiasco. Cuz everything I hear or see from his is original, I don't know him to have ever bit off of any other rapper in any form, way, or how. And his flow and wordplays rediculous lol.

7) Any new "Projects" you are working on?

In the future, Ya'll can look forward to my debut self-titled album "LEGGY" it's really what the game's been waiting for.

8) Anything ells you wanna say? Shoutout?

I just wanna say good looks to everybody thats showing me love. I got ya'll east coast. And hit me up on myspace.com/leggy786, and make it do wut it do. Jerzey Stand Up!!! RNA "WE IN HERE"!!!

ThreatZ - Interview

1. What got you into becoming a rapper?
Honestly, it all started out as fun in my freshmen year of highschool. It was nothing more of a hobby to me then I started just kept working on it til eventually i touched base and was able to establish myself as an artist then it became more serious with my work ethic and it became something i wanted to do with my life.

2. Who are some of the people who have inspired you to become a rapper and made you who you are today?
Well everyone around me who I involve myself with and artist I personally listen to all the time are the true source of my inspiration. If So everyone can inspire me even the haters.

3. How did you come up with the name ThreatZ?
Well, actually thats a funny story cuz I used to go by another rap name I dare not speak upon and felt it was time for a change so one day as I was walkin home I just thought of the name ThreatZ out of nowhere and from there it just stuck to me, not really sure if it fits me the best but i like it.

4. What excludes you from other rappers and makes you unique?
Well I believe that everyone is unique in their own sense and you know alot of rappers including myself speak deeply about personal issues they deal with in their everyday lives. But, I feel what seperates me from everyone else is my actual struggle because nobody else but me can capture the emotion and instant of time in which I expressed something in song because they never went thru what I did so only I can express it in my own way.

5. Do you feel that your underrated? And if so why is that?
Honestly, I do feel im underrated and I feel it only makes sense that I am seeing as how I'm just a local artist who hasn't blown up yet. I still haven't gained an accepted audience as of yet or a real thorough fanbase for that matter so I gotta keep working on it until I get everyone's attention pointing towards me and even then I will still be underrated so that is always gonna be a given issue because people are entitled to opinions and may think less of me or possibly even think I'm the best that's out there so Me being underrated will always be an issue within itself which I will deal with.

6. How do you feel about the current state of hip hop right now? And do you think the East can grow and be as big as it was with the Biggie days?
Well, I think the current state of hiphop is in high demand for people who are making real dope music and real hiphop for that matter. I mean I can't say hiphop is at its worse because there definitely is alot of great music out there. but, the mainstream side of the industry just focuses more on shit that is dumbed down so all the real music gets pushed to the side of often times ignored but there will be a time again in which it will be the other way around. And I think hiphop has grown way past what it used to be so the only thing we can do is move it on forward and just keep making great music because if you look at it, it's more than just hiphop it's all about making quality music that people wanna hear with substance.

7. One of my favorite tracks from your mixtape The Breaking Point is Rather Unique 2 & Love & Hate, whats your favorite trrack on The Breaking Point and whats the meaning behind the song?
My favorite song off the breaking point has to 'Revolving Infliction' seeing as how it is something real personal to me. I reflected upon alot of things I see in my everyday life and just wrote it all done and I even elaborated upon personal issues in which I deal with so its a track which is real personal to me and I believe no one but me can really understand the true meaning of the song. Though, 'Behind Bars' has that same affect on me 'Revolving Infliction' is definitely my favorite song on there.

8. If you could work with any producer who would it be and why?
I really want to work with Exile because after listening to Below The Heavens its just like that dude really captured every emotion Blu wanted to express with the production on the album. If he can do that with Blu i'm pretty sure if I had the opportunity to work with him he can do the same for me but dudes beats are just utterly amazing.

9. Any upcoming projects your working on?
Well, i'm currently working on my upcoming project titled 'Back to the Drawing Board' so be on the lookout for that. I'm really unsure of when exactly i want to drop it as of yet so I really can't say when its gon drop but hopefully it'll by the end of this year or early 2010. expect alot of dope production on it for a variety of producers and a number amount of features from all kinds of artist on there. Its truly turning out to be my best work yet.

10. Any shout outs?
Well its too many people to shoutout so let me just go on by doing so anyway. Shoutouts to my my homie, my dude and good friend TreaZ, shouts to Nero, Numonics, Mando, Jabee, M. Will, Nefarious!, Amor Jones, QuESt, P.ersonal, Dasanto, Mint, Mike Waxx, D. Julien, Buzz, Dmack, Redline, Hustlegrl, Shake, Meka, Frank Ramz, Elus, Wing Span, Charlie Hilton, Oj Loopz, and anybody else who I missed much love to ya'll.

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