D.Julien - Interview

Jarrett - How did you start rapping and who influenced you?
D.Juilien - I started rapping when I was 10 years old. That was around the time I started listening to Rap music regularly and understanding the culture more. After I had an understanding, I knew this is what I wanted to do. Biggie was the artist that really influenced me to pursue at the age that I did. Listening to him, seeing his success and knowing that he's from the same borough really inspired me.

Jarrett - You have a show with Wiz Khalifa coming up soon how pumped are you for that?
D.Juilien - I'm always excited for a show. Performing is my second favorite thing to do(first being recording). To have another artist on the bill that I respect is dope. It's my first time in Ohio also. Should be a great show.

Jarrett - What excludes you from other rappers and makes you unique?
D.Juilien - There's only one D.Julien. No one can tell the experiences that I've been through, witnessed, heard & what I want to accomplish like I can. My music is real honest to me and the average person could relate. Nothing is fabricated or exaggerated and I don't curse or use the "N" word in my music. Your grandmother could listen.

Diego - Any upcoming projects?
D.Juilien - Working on my new project right now. I'm about four tracks in. It's really going to separate me from everyone completely. The overall sound is a little different from what people may expect but just stay tuned. If there was any doubt about me before, this project should clear all of that up. No release date as of yet but we'll definitely keep people updated.

Jarrett - How do you feel about the current state of hip-hop?
D.Juilien - Hip-Hop is great state right now. 2009 was a great year for Hip-Hop. It further confirmed that you can be yourself/different and still be successful.

Jarrett - If you could make a track with an rapper dead or alive who would it be?
D.Juilien - One artist I'd definitely want to collaborate with is Pharrell. Track would be insane! I think he's one of the most creative people in all of music today.

Jarrett - What song do your currently play on repeat all the time?
D.Juilien - It's actually not even a rap song. It's "Speed of Sound" by Cold Play. I listen to everything. Anything that inspires me will be listened to. That song just puts me in the right zone and takes me to a place I need to be at to achieve everything I want to.

Jarrett- Any shout outs?
D.Juilien - Shout out to everyone that supports my music. The support is definitely appreciated. Stay tuned, I have a lot of surprises! Trust me. 2010 will be great for not only me but the people that follow me. We're doing it together!

Jarrett- Anything else you wanna say?
D.Juilien - Check out www.djulienmusic.com for all updates & www.twitter.com/djulien . Shout out to you guys for the interview.

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